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Simple Makeover Ideas for a More Beautiful Bedroom

Simple Makeover Ideas for a More Beautiful Bedroom

Decorating your home can be a Herculean task. There are so many considerations, planning, and activities involved. If there’s one thing we can collectively agree on, it’s that we want our bedrooms to be beautiful havens and among the best rooms in our homes.

Bedrooms are our private space. They’re where we start and end our day. We spend most of our time in them.  It’s thus important to give our bedrooms the attention they deserve when decorating our homes.

Don’t know how to give your bedroom a makeover? Don’t worry, we’ve got you. Below are simple bedroom makeover ideas that will help you bring the bedroom of your dreams to life.

Simple Changes for More Beautiful Bedrooms

You don’t need a drastic renovation to realize the bedroom of your dreams. A few simple and inexpensive changes could be all that stands between you and the perfect bedroom. Consider these simple ideas for your bedroom makeover.

Paint Your Walls

bedroom makeover

Walls are a dominant feature of any room. When decorating your bedroom, changing the color and patterns of your walls can do wonders for a room’s look and feel.

If you want your bedroom to look bigger, paint the walls with bright, crisp colors. If you’re aiming for tranquility, go for a restful shade of blue. If you want excitement and pizazz, try a daring color or a funky color combination and/or design to kick things up a  notch.

Comfortable Bedding

bedroom makeover

Your bedroom is literally your comfort zone. Up the comfort level by adding long drapes with beautiful colors and quality fabric. Pair them with cozy bedding to add cohesion to the colors you’ve chosen for your room.

While you’re at it, why not add a charming headboard and a few throw pillows to make your room more homey and relaxing? You’ll be amazed at what a few simple changes can do.

Decorate Your Room with Your Favorite Memories

What could be more comforting than having reminders of your favorite life moments around you? From childhood pictures to graduation and wedding day pictures, artfully display your favorite photographs around your bedroom. Choose photo frames that complement your room’s aesthetics to have a constant reminder of your happiest memories by simply glancing at your wall.

In the same vein, you can put keepsakes and mementos with special meaning in key places around your room to enjoy an instant connection with your most cherished memories.

Make Calculated Storage Decisions

Storage is one of the most important considerations when redecorating your house. If you don’t have closets or a vanity/dressing table, it’s time to build one.

If you’re short on space, you can also consider investing in a built-in storage bed. Remember, the more storage options you have, the less cluttered and more peaceful your bedroom’s vibe will be.

Add Some Plants

bedroom makeover

Do you like having plants around? They aren’t just for the outdoors. You can have one or two plants around your room. Houseplants not only filter the air and produce oxygen but also add a refreshing quality to any room.

If you don’t have a green thumb, it isn’t an issue. There are many low-maintenance plants to choose from such as succulents, spider, and snake plants.

Wrap-Up: Making Your Room Beautiful For You

Don’t underestimate the transformative effect that having a bedroom you love being in can have on you. You’ll spend more time in your bedroom than any room in your home so it’s worth the effort of giving it your personal touch.

At the end of the day, your bedroom doesn’t need to look like the front cover of an HGTV Magazine. It should be what you consider beautiful and restful so rearrange the furniture, play around with your room’s colors, and don’t be afraid to change things up. With all the things you can do to your bedroom, why not make it the most beautiful it can be according to your standards? The results may surprise you.


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