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December 2021 Monthly Horoscope: 12 Sign Overview

December 2021 Monthly Horoscope: 12 Sign Overview

december 2021 monthly horoscope

Shifting out of the emotionally-driven month of November, we clear the way for the last month of the year, and it’s sure to be rich in powerful, transformative energies for all of us. With that said, we’ll be kicking off December in the sign of the Sagittarius, which is bound to shift any negative thoughts we’ve been having into a more optimistic perspective. Above all else, Sagittarius believes in living each day with purpose and loves to be the life of the party. For this reason, this ambitious sign is bound to spark a more fun-loving approach to our lives in December and help us to find the good in every day. Aside from this, the Sagittarius is also ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, which is bound to inspire all signs to start over with new beginnings in different aspects of their lives, and honestly, it’s a great time to do so.

Aside from the influence of the Sagitarrius this month, we will also be making our way towards a powerful full moon in the sign of the mischievous Gemini on December 18th, with Venus going retrograde just hours later. As a result, this is likely to stir up a powerful time of reflection and cleansing in our relationships and is bound to bring our personal values front and center. Lastly, this is then followed by the powerful Winter Solstice as well as the start of the Capricorn season on December 21st/22nd, which will urge all the signs into deep reflection as we think on the lessons of this year and prepare for the new.

Overall, December is predicted to be packed with many different energies that will all help to guide us to find our personal alignment like never before. But to give you a better idea of what you can expect, today, we’re going to touch on a brief overview of what changes each Zodiac sign can expect to feel throughout December and how each sign can make the most of it.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Starting with the Aries sign, the last month of the year is predicted to bring some new feelings of change into your space. With the highly transformative signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn ruling this month, you can expect this month’s energy to be themed all-around change and new beginnings. From changes in your career, your way of thinking, or even your personal endeavors, now is the time to work to embrace all the beautiful energy of new beginnings around you as you align with your personal wants and needs like never before. More than anything, allow your intuition to guide and lead you to something truly beautiful this month, as this is the perfect month to seize the opportunity of every moment.

In your career, you’re predicted to be busy in the workplace this month as you continue to hustle towards achieving bigger and better things. However, December isn’t likely to be rich in rewards in terms of work, but it is still a great time to realign with your goals and make a plan for how to achieve them.

In love, those in a relationship will likely experience some warm and tender themes this month as communication and trust continue to soar between lovers. As a result, now is an excellent time to open your heart more with your partner and work on building a deeper connection like never before. If you are single, new love opportunities should be present all around you this month but may require some more work than you thought. All around, don’t be afraid to pursue new love, Aries. Something beautiful may just happen as a result.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20):

For the Taurus, December is expected to be a beautiful and transformative month for you. While you normally like to keep your feet on the ground and prefer to live a very routine-based life, the influence of Sagitarrius at the start of the month could be urging you to step out of your comfort zone, which could leave you feeling a bit rocky. However, this will soon pass, and you should begin to feel more like yourself again as you begin to overcome blockages in your life with a much clearer and inspired vision. Keep up the great work, Taurus.

In your career, you are likely to see some excellent progress in work this month as you continuously reach new heights in all that you do. However, you may find yourself feeling a little uncertain about your finances this month also, which is likely due to a splurge of spending for the holidays. However, this is only a temporary feeling and should quickly pass as the holidays come to an end.

In love, if you are in a relationship, December may bring some new adjustments in love into your space which could either stir up some new affections or some new problems. Either way now is a great time to step back and evaluate your relationship, its values, and how it truly makes you feel overall. If problems do arise, make sure you do everything you can to work them out as quickly as possible. If you are single, love shouldn’t be too hard to find this month if you commit yourself to seriously looking for it. Above all else, you just don’t want to jump into anything too quickly, so make sure you are fully emotionally ready before you commit.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20):

For the Gemini sign, there’s no easy way to say this; you’ve had a difficult year keeping your footing over the last few months, and it may, at times, have felt like everything was against you. However, December is here to finally turn that around and help you to end your year off feeling whole again. With that said, you’re likely to see wonderful progress in your personal goals and endeavors this month as you continue to reach the thresholds you’ve worked so hard for. All around, December is predicted to be a wonderful time for you, Gemini, so make sure you take time to revel in it as much as possible.

In your career, December is predicted to be a positive month in the workplace where you are likely to be kept busy and feeling pretty great about it. With that said, you should feel a lot more in control this month, which will greatly reflect in the work that you do. This will likely pave the way to some new rewards in the future, and you couldn’t be happier about it.

In love, for those in a relationship, love is expected to be pretty smooth sailing for the most part, which should help to stir up some cozy feelings romantically. For this reason, this is an excellent time to work on building a deeper connection with your partner. If you are single, new love connections shouldn’t be hard for you to find this month. However, you just want to make sure you stay true to who you are above all else, as not everyone around you may have your best interest in mind.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22):

For the Cancer, this has been a highly transformative year for you, and it’s finally starting to come to an end. After months of strenuous work on personal growth, December is predicted to be a positive month where things finally start to feel normal again. For this reason, this is a great time to finally enjoy yourself, let loose, and just take a breather from all the intense work you’ve been putting in. This, more than anything, should help you to end your year on a more positive foot than how you started it.

In your career, with all the good vibes circling back into your space, this month is predicted to be positive in your workplace and is bound to stir up clearer focus and better productivity than ever before. This will also help you to reflect and find work that truly serves you so that you can live a more fulfilling life the way you deserve.

In love, those in a relationship will likely find that love comes naturally to them this month, which should bring about a deeper feeling of contentment. As a result, now is an excellent time to spend quality time with your partner and immerse yourself fully in their affections. If you are single, you’re truly going to be glowing in terms of love, which could draw in many potential lovers. However, take heed to not let your emotions get the best of you, as falling too quickly could lead to heartbreak. Take it slow.

Leo (July 23 – August 22):

For the Leo, December is predicted to direct your focus towards your professional and personal goals, which is likely to inspire you to get moving. For this reason, this is predicted to be an excellent month for making progress in all aspects of your life. However, you should also remember to make plenty of time to relax and enjoy pampering yourself as well. More than anything, these are going to be your biggest themes this month, and it will be up to you to find a perfect balance between them in order to achieve happiness and fulfillment like no other.

In your career, the Leo is likely to feel inspired in getting as much done as possible in the workplace this month. Because of this, the Leo is likely to make bigger strides in their work which should leave them feeling totally content. Above all else, those born under this sign should have no problem reaching any and all goals this month. Keep up the great work, Leo!

And lastly, in love, there are likely to be some ups and downs in your romantic affairs this month, and communication will be a key focus for you throughout December. Therefore, make sure you take plenty of time to be open, honest, and understanding with your partner this month, as this will be essential for mending any problems you have in love. If you are single, new love may not be readily apparent this month, but with a little digging, it shouldn’t be too hard to find. Above all else, just remember to take any new romance in your life slow, as this will be key to building something truly worthwhile.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22):

For the Virgo, December is predicted to be a powerful month of adjustment in all areas of your life. This is because, more than anything, this month is likely to spark your need for divine alignment and fulfillment like no other. For this reason, things could feel a little confusing for a while, but it is only temporary and will help you to reach enlightenment like no other. Above all else, it’s time to come into your power, Virgo, and whether you know it or not, you’re certainly ready for it.

In your career, work should be steady this month as you continuously strive for new successes. However, despite your hard work, you aren’t likely to reach any major milestones this month, and that’s totally okay. Honestly, all that matters is how you feel about your job and if you are truly happy with it. If you are, this is likely to bring success to you in other ways, which will easily bring you contentment.

In love, for those in a relationship, December is likely to bring a tender and sweet atmosphere to your love life. As a result, things will almost seem effortless with your partner this month, as it seems with each coming day, you two grow closer. As a result, this is an excellent time to plan a night out and truly make the most of it. If you are single, December encourages you not to move too quickly with new love. Of course, we know it can be tempting to want to find someone new before the holidays, but you just want to make sure that someone will be worth your while. Therefore, just remember not to rush anything this month and to just let any and all affections come naturally.

Libra (September 23 – October 22):

For the Libra, December is predicted to be a positive month of increased motivation and determination for you. As a result, this is likely to be the month where your eyes truly shift fully towards your goals and your dreams, making them come front and center once and for all. For this reason, you can expect a pretty busy month of hustle and growth for you, as you continuously strive for bigger and better things. More than anything, be sure to always let your heart guide you if you want to find where you truly need to be.

In your career, with luck on your side this month, you are likely to increase your financial gains easily and effortlessly as you continue to make bigger moves in the workplace. However, just be careful that you don’t burn yourself out with this newfound ambition this month, and remember to do all that you can to find a balance between work and relaxation to keep yourself sane.

In love, for those in a relationship, love is predicted to be new and exciting this month, as you’ll be feeling more confident and happy in your life, which will easily reflect in your relationship. For this reason, this is a great time to spend some one-on-one time with your partner, so be sure you make that a priority this month. If you are single, new love is certainly possible this month, but you just want to make sure you don’t jump into anything too quickly. Take your time, Libra; if it’s meant to be, it will happen.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):

For the Scorpio, December is predicted to be a productive month for you. More than anything, you’ll likely be doing a lot of reflection this month as you think back on your year, what you accomplished, what you didn’t, and how you’re going to implement that into your life for the year ahead. Above all else, this could also help to stir up some new inspirations for getting to work on goals that you may have fallen behind on, which could greatly contribute to your overall mood this month. Overall, feelings of gratitude, grounding, and confidence are likely to month, so make sure you do all that you can to embrace them and put them to use in the best way possible.

In your career, you may experience some ups and downs this month in the workplace and will likely have to deal with many small and tedious obstacles. Because of this, major advances and successes aren’t likely this month, but they aren’t impossible. More than anything, just try to keep a positive attitude in the workplace, as this will help things to run a lot smoother.

In love, December is a great time to get cozy with your partner and work on rekindling the sparks of love that you may have let die. This, overall, will allow for better communication and the opportunity to make new memories as you begin to explore different avenues of love, and it should be truly beautiful. If you are single, love may be on your mind this month, Scorpio, but it may seem like you can never find it. However, it is out there; you may just have to try a little harder to meet someone new. Keep your heart open, Scorpio. With your amazing personality, you are bound to find someone special in no time.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21):

For the Sagittarius, it’s finally your birthday season, and you’re starting it off feeling quite adventurous! Because of this, December is likely to be a great month for you to finally conclude certain things in your life to make way for the energy of new beginnings for the new year. This could have you revisiting old passions and goals, as well as help to push you to work harder on the goals you already have. Either way, the stars are aligned for a productive month ahead, so make sure you do all that you can to embrace it with your whole heart and soul.

In your career this month, you’re likely to be directing tons of inspiration from your personal life into your workplace too. However, it may not be the most fruitful time for you in terms of work success, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make the most of it. Bigger and better things are likely in your future, Sag; you just have to put the work in right now to get there later on. Don’t give up.

In love, with the current shifts happening between the planets, you may start the month off feeling a little unbalanced if you are in a relationship. This could leave you with a strong need to reconnect with your partner, and the best way to do that right now will be through open and honest communication. If you are single, you may be hesitant to pursue new love that arises but are advised to trust your intuition above all else this month, as it is bound to guide you to exactly where you need to be.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19):

For the Capricorn, alongside the Sag, it’s also your birthday season as we ring in the new year, and you’re ready to kick it off feeling inspired. However, while you may be ready for a powerful and productive month, December may have other plans, as it is likely to stir up some obstacles for you, which could leave you a little down in the dumps. More than anything, the most important thing to remember right now is that this rough period is necessary for your personal growth, and it won’t last forever. Above all else, make sure you make plenty of time for some self-care this month to help keep your footing through this strenuous time.

In your career, this month is likely to bring some new potential to your work life. However, this could either be the opportunity to advance in a current job or the possibility to expand your horizons elsewhere to another career department. Either way, just remember to trust the process and always do what feels right for you, as this will be the key to achieving your own personal definition of happiness.

In love, if you are in a relationship, December is predicted to be full of positive moments for those in a relationship that is likely to bring about plenty of tender moments to your love life. If you are single, December may have you feeling in the blues with the holidays approaching, but you should try not to let it get you, Cap. With time, someone new and worthwhile is bound to come into your life; you just have to be patient.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):

For the Aquarius, December is predicted to be a month of busyness for you as you continue to shift your focus from one thing to another. From having a full work schedule this month to picking up some personal passions and getting to work on them, this month should be productive in all areas. However, the main thing this month is that you just want to make sure you don’t neglect other aspects of your life as well, such as your family, as some quality time with them will certainly fill your soul. Above all else, do what you can to find your balance this month, as this will help the month to run a lot smoother.

In your career, December is predicted to be a positive month in your career, as you’re likely going to be feeling very productive and proud in your work. Because of this, you have plenty of new potentials to reach new thresholds this month in the workplace, which is bound to lead you to new rewards. You’re killing it, Aquarius. Keep up the great work!

In love, for those in a relationship, December is likely to stir up new sparks between lovers that may help to ignite some new passions for you two. For this reason, this is a great month to prioritize your relationship and make plenty of time to immerse yourself in those tender and sweet moments. If you are single, new love connections are certainly possible this month; however, you just want to make sure you don’t force a connection. Whatever happens, just let it come naturally, as this is bound to create a lasting love instead of a quick spur of passion.

Pisces (February 19 – March 10):

And lastly, for the Pisces, this month is predicted to be a powerful month of change and alignment for you. As you continue to strive to realign and ground yourself, your ambition and creative nature are bound to spark, which will have you moving with quick speed towards something new. Whether it’s a job change, a new love, or even the start of some new passions, this month is all about finding your alignment. For this reason, make sure you prioritize your happiness above all else, as this is bound to lead you to where you need to be.

In your career, December is likely to bring a productive period to your work environment with a lot of movement. More than anything, because the workplace could feel a little unpredictable this month, it’s best to just go with the flow and allow it to guide you, as this is the best method to finding what will work best for you this month.

In love, for those in a relationship, December is predicted to bring some positive feelings of peace to lovers. With things running smoothly, this is an excellent time to get away for a weekend and make the most of it if you are able to. For those that are single, December may bring a chance encounter for those that are looking. Therefore, keep your heart open for new love potential, as it could truly be coming from any direction.


In conclusion, the last month of the chaotic and intense year of 2021 is overall predicted to bring a much slower and more meaningful conclusion than any other month. While there are still likely to be some hard patches, this month should run a lot more smoothly than those we’ve seen over the past year and are likely to be rich in energies of realignment, reflection, and gratitude, which is something all signs are definitely in need of. Above all else, we hope this article has helped you to better understand the powerful energies awaiting you next month and how you can truly make the most of them before the end of the year.

Happy December!

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